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MapReduce - WikipediaA MapReduce framework (or system) is usually composed of three operations (or steps):
Discrete cosine transform - WikipediaDCTs are widely employed in solving partial differential equations by spectral methods, where the different variants of the DCT correspond to slightly different even and odd boundary conditions at the two ends of the arr
Z-set | Z-cracksZ-cracks is a module for 3D fracture mechanics simulation. It includes the computation of stress intensity factors and the simulation of mixed-mode propagation.
Computational model captures the elusive transition states of chemicalMIT researchers developed a way to quickly calculate the transition state structure of a chemical reaction, using machine-learning models.
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Age CalculatorThis age calculator has been designed to calculate your current age grounded on the input handed in the Select your date of birth field. Alternately, you can enter a date of your choice in the Select current date fie
BSEINDIAThere are many reasons why BSE SENSEX futures makes sense::
Automation-AnalysisCopyright 2015 cspassion. All rights reserved.
Field-programmable gate array - WikipediaFPGAs are also commonly used during the development of ASICs to speed up the simulation process.
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